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Denis Rodriguez
phone: +55 51 98004880

Worried about changing the values of the things, the artist, independent curator and activist Denis Rodriguez has always guided his projects and images to topics that require militancy. Subjects such as culture of peace, animal protection, pornography and sensuality in art, urban visual pollution, traffic jam, art impermanency in public spaces, pictorial nature appear in his last works.

Graduated in photography by Instituto Lorenzo de’Medici, Florence, Italy, and specialized in editorial photography at the London School of Arts, Saint Martins. The photographer avoids repetition of the artistic formulas and integrates the word to his trajectory of visual artist. Specialized in entertainment journalism, with competence in arts, architecture, interiors, design and fashion. He wrote and photographed editorials for the Brazilian magazine Modo de Vida (Way of Life, specialized in architecture and lifestyle), published by Glamurama, Pascowitch Joyce, from 2008 to 2011. He shot fashion editorials for the magazines JP and Moda (Fashion), from the same publisher, from 2007 to 2010. He was the fashion editor for the magazine, Revista da Folha, the Sunday magazine of the most widely read newspaper in Brazil, Folha de São Paulo, during 2007 and 2008. The UOL street fashion channel creator and columnist (UOL, the largest Brazilian portal) – also from 2007 to 2009. A Latin-American contributor of the A Shaded View on Fashion, www.asvof.com, edited by Diane Pernet, from 2007 to 2010. He participated in two editions of the online magazine FAQ, faqmagazine.net, in 2006 and 2007.

Another exhibitions, workshops, videos and fashion shows he took part are shown below:

2012 OBELISCO LUMINOSO, LUMINOUS OBELISK, an itinerant installation with stacking boxes of light. Usina do Gasômetro and nine historical sites in the city of Porto Alegre/RS. Artist.

2011 SUBEXPOSTA, UNDEREXPOSED, a collective photographic exhibition that discussed the topic of the underexposed photography. Gorila Café, São Paulo/SP. Artist and organizer.

2011 PÊLO, FUR, Auction MOVE of animal cause protection. He collected works of various artists representing the animal world positively. Artist, curator and organizer.

2011 CONTEÚDO EXPLÍCITO, EXPLICIT CONTENT, collective exhibition of erotic art that integrated the 1st POPPORN Brazil Festival. São Paulo/SP. Artist and curator.

2008 ZIGUE-ZAGUE, coordination of a street fashion atelier, carried out in Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM/SP – Modern Art Museum of São Paulo). São Paulo/SP.

2006 WAYS TO SEE PLACES AND LANDSCAPES, Centro Fundación Telefónica. Lima/Peru. Artist. Work: Artificial landscapes.

2005 ADERÊNCIA, ADHERENCE, Mostra SESC de Artes Mediterrâneo, Collective exhibition that used adhesive vinyl as main support to these artists’ creations. SESC PAULISTA. São Paulo/ SP. Artist and organizer.

2005 Assistant of the artist Rochelle Costi to the exhibition Dinâmica Comum (Common Dynamic), Instituto Tomie Ohtake. São Paulo/ SP.

2005 Accepted the challenge of the designer Karlla Girotto to produce 450 underexposed and unique images to be the exclusive fashion show invitations, Infinitas Possibilidades (Endless Possibilities), Fashion Rio, MAM/RJ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

2005/2004 Lectured in workshops, seminars on the theme Conflict Mediation, multiplying results of residency in Montreal/Canada. Produced the video sessão de informação à mediação (information session), and the prime Mediação, uma prática cidadã (Mediation, a practice of the citizen) with the support of UNESCO and UNINOVE. He was the lecturer in the seminar Década da Cultura de Paz, an UNESCO program and he was the organizer of the seminar Novas Perspectivas em Mediação (New Perspectives in Mediation), SESC PAULISTA, São Paulo/ SP.

2004 Photographed the historical fashion show of Jum Nakao, synthetized in the book A Costura do Invisível (The Seam of the Invisible), SENAC Publishing Company.

2003 6 months in Montreal, Canada, granted by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). As fellow recorded on video 100 hours on the topic of interpersonal conflict mediation. The project won the Palas Athena and UNESCO Seal.

2002 Directed and produced the documentary Sónar with Itaú Cultural and MTV Brasil partnership, which participated of the collective exhibition, Emoção Artificial (Artificial Emotion). Itaú Cultural. São Paulo/SP.

2002 off Bienal CATIVEIRO, CAPTIVITY, occupation of the old steel factory about to be pulled down in Radial Leste Avenue, east zone of São Paulo city. In this place a group of artists accomplished works about the conception of captivity, theme so present in media in that time. Artist and organizer.

1999 Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Piracicaba. First participation in a collective, with the work tem gente que nunca foi (people who have never been). Piracicaba/SP. Artist.